Town partners with Care for Hedland

Published on Thursday, 1 June 2023 at 1:23:00 PM

A new partnership between the Town of Port Hedland and Care for Hedland will deliver strong environmental outcomes for the region.

At Wednesday night’s Ordinary Council Meeting, councillors voted to endorse a formal three-year partnership between the Town and Care for Hedland which will assist with delivery of actions in the Town’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2022-2027.

Mayor Peter Carter said Care for Hedland had approached Council to provide support with implementing parts of the strategy.

“Care for Hedland does such a terrific job with programs to protect our environment and raise awareness of sustainability,” Mayor Carter said.

“The Town has worked with Care for Hedland in delivering messaging on recycling and the environment to schools in Hedland, and we have provided resources and equipment to the turtle monitoring program.

“This partnership will ensure we can move forward with confidence in delivering positive environmental outcomes through the Environmental Sustainability Strategy.”

The strategy – the first of its kind for the Town - was adopted by Council last year and is a framework to protect the Hedland environment while supporting growth.

It focuses on core impact areas such as climate change and energy; waste; water; the natural environment and sustainable development, planning and infrastructure.

The strategy lays out objectives and actions the Town is committed to fulfilling.

To read the Environmental Sustainability Strategy, go to:

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