Public Health Plan 2024

What is Public Health? 

The World Health Organisation defines Public Health as 'All organised measures (whether public or private) to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong life among the population as a whole. Its activities aim to provide conditions in which people can be healthy and focus on entire populations, not on individual patients or diseases."

Public Health can also be influenced by social determinants of health including but not limited to demographics, education, employment status, housing, social inclusion, early childhood development, and access to food. 

Public Health attempts to promote the health and well-being of the entire population rather than just individuals. The overall Public Health Plan is a community-wide strategic document developed by local governments that set high-level, planned directions for health issues and concerns affecting their community.

The Town of Port Hedland will work closely with Public Health consultants, local health services and its community to determine what health issues are most important to them by conducting a survey. 

What happens next? As of 23 May 2024

The Town of Port Hedland recently conducted a Public Health and Wellbeing Survey in March and April. We received a fantastic response from our community, with strong participation.

The responses are now sitting with our Public Health Consultants, who are sifting through the data and key findings as they develop the Plan over the coming months.

All of the feedback received is confidential and will be analysed to help develop the Public Health Plan. Once the Plan has been finalised and endorsed by Council, we will make it available on our website for you to view. 

Why do we need a Public Health Plan? 

Under the Public Health Act 2016, the Town is required to develop a Public Health Plan that details the current health status of the Hedland population and identifies key priority areas for improving community health. The Plan will also place the Town in a strong advocacy position to gain support and help shape future health policies, services, and programs.