Private Swimming Pools & Spas

A Building Permit is required prior to the installation of any pool or spa, including above ground. In order for the Town to assess an application for any pool, the application must be accompanied by a site plan identifying the location of both the pool and the required barrier, and all structural details of how the pool is to be installed. The structural details must also be signed by a practicing structural engineer. The relevant application form and checklist outlining further detail can be found below:

BA2 - Application for building permit - uncertified

BA2 - Checklist for Application for building permit - uncertified - Swimming Pool and Barriers

All private swimming pools and spas (above and below ground) must be provided with an approved barrier which is required to comply with the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, Building Regulations and associated Australian Standards.


The Local Authority is required to complete a mandatory inspection of the barrier upon installation of a swimming pool or spa prior to the swimming pool or spa being filled with water and then is required to complete a minimum of one (1) mandatory inspection every four (4) years after.

The Town of Port Hedland carries out mandatory swimming pool and spa enclosure inspections on a regular schedule determined by the previous inspection dates.  Occupiers and owners will be notified by mail prior to the inspection by Town Officers. It is the responsibility of both the landowner and occupier to ensure their swimming pool and/or spa enclosure is compliant at all times by meeting the building and safety standards set by the Building Code of Australia and Australian Standards as required under the Building Regulations 2012. Failure to provide a compliant pool and/or spa enclosure may result in a fine being issued for both the landowner and occupier. For more information on pool and spa compliance please download the Building Commission WA’s ‘Rules for Pools and Spas’ booklet from the Building Commission’s website. For more information on the inspections, please see our information sheets below or contact the Town’s Development Services on (08) 9158 9300.

For further information on the requirements for swimming pool and spa barriers, please follow the below links.

Rules for Pools