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Shaping Hedland’s Future – FAQ

What is happening?

A land use study has started, which will guide land planning and development within the Town of Port Hedland for the next 10-20 years. The study builds on engagement outcomes, which informed the Strategic Community Plan (2018-2028) and Corporate Business Plan (2018-2022). The team led by consultants from element have met with several local community members, representatives, local groups, government and industry stakeholders in Port Hedland and Perth. A site visit was undertaken by the project team in late August to hear first-hand the important issues within the Town.

The community consultation efforts in 2019 informed the preparation of the draft Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme 7. The Strategy will set out the long term planning direction for Hedland, apply any relevant State or regional planning policies and will provide rationale for any zoning or classification of land under the Local Planning Scheme. The Scheme will be the principal statutory planning tool for controlling land use and development in the Town, setting out how land will be used and developed and will include provisions to coordinate future infrastructure and development projects. 

From Wednesday 17 June, the Town's draft Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme 7 will be out for public feedback for a period of 90 days, until Tuesday 15 September.

What’s next?

Following the 90 day consultation period, the final documents will be considered by Council for adoption, with a recommendation forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commissioner for endorsement. 

However... you may ask the question, what is a local planning scheme?

A local planning scheme has a number of purposes. For instance, a Local Planning Scheme will establish the framework in which decisions are made in relation to land use and development. It will zone and reserve land to manage land use and development in accordance with the Local Planning Strategy.

what is a local planning strategy?

A Local Planning Strategy will establish strategic direction for growth and development within the Town of Port Hedland. It is likely to remain relevant for the next 10-20 years. The Strategy will identify strategies and actions to address relevant issues and the Scheme will provide statutory controls to guide decision making for land use and development.

Does this review include the West End of Port Hedland?

No, although the precise area is to be determined, the general area of the West End precinct is outside of this land use planning study. The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage have prepared Improvement Plan No. 50 for the West End precinct following consideration of the Dust Management Taskforce recommendations. Improvement Plan No. 50 will provide the statutory basis for the preparation and implementation of a separate improvement scheme over the West End precinct.

How does this relate to the Pilbara City vision for Port Hedland?

The Port City Growth Plan was a document prepared at the height of the mining boom, with aspirations based on a rapid city growth scenario. To inform the review of the Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme there is a need to revise population, economic growth and land use aspirations within the Port City Growth Plan.

What is the current projection for growth in Port Hedland?

Population projections are segmented into conservative and aspirational. The conservative population scenario is a projected 18,500 and the aspirational population scenario is a projected 27,085 by 2041. 

How might it effect you?

The new local planning scheme will set out controls and requirements for how you, your neighbours and others can use and develop properties. These controls ensure development is compatible with state policy and local community vision for the Town of Port Hedland.

Does this mean your property will be rezoned?

It is too early in the process to give an indication as to whether individual properties will be rezoned. The Local Planning Strategy is in the process of being formulated and is a high-level document which establishes the strategic direction for land use planning within the Town. There will be further opportunity to comment on proposed zoning of property once the draft Local Planning Strategy and Scheme have been developed and are in a form acceptable for public consultation.

How can you be involved and have your say?

In the first instance, please email your submissions to You are also welcome to send your submissions in writing to either:

  • Town of Port Hedland Administration, 13 McGregor Street, Port Hedland
  • Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, 140 William Street, Perth

Land use planning study area

The study area is entirely within the Town of Port Hedland with the exclusion of the west end precinct, as illustrated in the image.

Will this Affect your rates?

Until a rating strategy is formally considered and released for public consultation, we are unable to comment on how this may affect rates raised on a property. If there are changes proposed to the zoning of your property and you wish to see if there has been a change in the way your property will be rated, please await the release of the rating strategy for public consultation prior to submitting an enquiry to the Rates Department at the Town.

How does the Local Planning Strategy relate to the Strategic Community Plan?

The preparation of the Local Planning Strategy will seek to build on the comprehensive engagement previously undertaken by the Town which informed the preparation of the Town’s Strategic Community Plan 2018-2028, under the following headings of community, economy, built and natural environment.

Where relevant to land use planning outcomes, the Town will seek to align the Local Planning Strategy with the outcomes and goals identified within the Strategic Community Plan to ensure that there is a clear line of sight between the strategic corporate objectives of the Town and the land use strategies and actions to be identified within the revised Local Planning Strategy.