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Seawall construction well underway

Published on Wednesday, 26 October 2022 at 12:42:03 PM

Construction is well underway on the $6.5 million seawall on Sutherland Street to protect the coastline and future-proof against erosion and inundation.

This is an important project to preserve Port Hedland’s coastal assets as well as helping protect flora and fauna including the flatback turtle nesting areas.

The contractors are working diligently to deliver Stage 2, which includes the rock installation to protect residential properties, prior to the start of cyclone season.

The contractors conducted noise and vibration monitoring to ensure disruption to nearby residences fell within accepted limits.

It found that there was clearly audible noise levels during rock tipping. Rock tipping has been infrequent and only during approved construction hours and the contractor has made all reasonable efforts to manage noise.

Vibration levels did not exceed limits for cosmetic or structural damage at any time during monitoring. It found there was a low risk of possible cosmetic or structural damage from rock tipping.

This time of year with the change in season we generally encounter windy conditions and an increase in dust has been noted. To mitigate the additional dust, suppression measures have been implemented.

The Town thanks residents for their patience and can assure them that the project is on track to be finished within a month.

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