Roosters in residential areas

Published on Thursday, 20 June 2024 at 10:00:20 AM

The Town is happy to support residents keeping chickens at their homes and has established a section of our local laws that outlines all the necessary requirements to ensure chickens are kept safely, without causing odour or pest issues for neighbours.

However, it is illegal to keep roosters on residential properties.

Roosters create significant noise problems and can make you extremely unpopular with your neighbours.

Beyond the noise, keeping roosters can pose additional challenges related to health and sanitation. Roosters, like hens, require proper care to prevent the spread of diseases and pests. Improper management can lead to unsanitary conditions that attract rodents, flies, and other pests, creating unpleasant odors and potential health risks. These issues are particularly concerning in areas where homes share close boundaries and a lack of space can exacerbate cleanliness problems.

If Rangers identify a rooster at your residence due to complaints, you will be directed to relocate the rooster to an appropriate site out of town and will likely face infringements.\

Animals, Environment and Nuisances Local Laws 2016

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