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Targeting planthoppers around town

Published on Friday, 8 October 2021 at 11:16:59 AM

You may notice a vehicle spraying trees around town over the coming months.
That’s because the Town is carrying out preventative works on trees in the local government area to remove harmful planthoppers from trees. The planthoppers move from tree to tree, eating the leaves and infecting the tree.
The insect is targeting gum trees, which is where the spraying will be targeted.
There are at least 22,000 planthopper species worldwide, with more than 700 species occurring in Australia. Planthoppers are usually small, wedge-shaped, cicada-like sap-sucking insects and some species transmit plant diseases.
The Town has started work along Hamilton Road, working towards South Hedland Town Centre and will then work through the rest of South Hedland before moving on to Port Hedland to complete the works.
Please be mindful of vehicles and workers for the duration of these works over the coming months.

Media Enquiries:
Laura Hawes
Manager Corporate Affairs
(08) 9158 9365 |

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