Exploring themes of connection, community, collaboration and environmental sustainability, The Last Numbat bridges the gap between audience and performance, as 17 audience members participate at any one time. As the participants manipulate the giant numbat puppet, onlookers will get the chance to marvel at the beauty of this magnificent creation and absorb the story. The renowned Pilbara sunset over Cemetery Beach will set the stage for a truly magical experience for all ages to ponder. Click here to learn more about Spare Parts Puppet Theatre.
Help keep Hedland COVID safe by:
- Staying home from the event if you’re unwell
- Keeping hands washed and sanitised using the onsite facilities
- Covering coughs and sneezes with your elbow then practising hand hygiene
- Maintaining physical distancing and avoiding unnecessary physical contact with others
The Puppet in the Pilbara is accessible for attendees in wheelchairs or those utilising prams. The venue has accessible toilet (Male/Female Ambulant and Unisex RH) and parking facilities, as well as limited seating through. An accessible viewing area for wheelchairs has been designated as part of the Puppet viewing area. Assisted listening devices are available for the event and can be signed out at the Information Desk.
If you are driving to the event, free parking is available at the Port Hedland Turf Club. Access the parking area via the Turf Club main entrance on McGregor Street. A temporary cross walk will be in place to allow you to safely access the Civic Centre from the parking area. To exit, please follow directions and exit at the Port Hedland Skate Park.
Accessible parking is available at the Civic Centre car park.
If you live within walking distance to the event and are arriving on foot, please note you can also enter the event along the Sutherland Street foreshore footpath off Crawford Street or Lukis Street.
chairs and picnic blankets
Whilst there will be some tables and chairs provided at the event, patrons are encourage to bring their own chairs and picnic blankets to the event. Please ensure you abide by seating signage in place at the event when picking your spot to sit.
food and drinks
There will be a great range of food and non-alcoholic drink options available as part of the Puppet in the Pilbara experience. Patrons are also able to bring their own food and non-alcoholic drinks, however please ensure no glass containers or bottles are used.
In an effort to reduce the amount of single use plastics generated by the event, there will be no single use water bottles sold by the food vendors at the event. Instead, bring your own water bottle and fill up at one of the Water Corporation Water Refill Stations onsite.
Patrons are reminded this is an alcohol and other drug free event. It is an offence in Western Australia for persons of any age to drink in public, such as on the street, park or beach.
Prior to each performance, the Puppeteers will address the audience with a formal introduction. Volunteers will then be selected from the audience to assist with moving and manipulating the puppet to bring The Last Numbat performance to life.
information and safety
If you have any questions, have lost something or someone or need medical attention approach one of our friendly event staff or visit the Information Desk/First Aid location. In the event of an emergency follow the directions of the event staff.
Let’s ‘Do the right thing’ at the Civic Centre Gardens, Turf Club and surrounds. Dispose of your litter in the rubbish bins provided or drop eligible containers to the Containers for Change stall, where your 10c refund will be donated to Community Group who are manning the stall.
Site maps
Transportation Event Map

Site Event Map

For further event related enquiries, please contact the Town of Port Hedland's Events Team on 08 9158 9300.