The Town of Port Hedland is inviting people to share their thoughts on how Port Hedland’s iconic Koombana Lookout should be refurbished.
A refurbishment of the lookout will take place over the upcoming summer and include replacement of the water fountain, improved public access, pathways and specified viewing areas, new shaded areas, installation of a new barbecue, better landscaping and new signage.
People are invited to have their say on how the area should be landscaped as part of the $700,000 refurbishment.
Mayor Peter Carter said the Koombana Lookout was an important part of the Town’s history and popular with newcomers to the area.
“I’m pleased the Town is investing $700,000 into the refurbishment of the Koombana Lookout and Surrounds in Port Hedland, one of the top-rated tourist spots in town which provides unbridled views over the ocean.
“Local community groups have expressed to us how important this site is to Hedland’s past, present and future cultural and historical identity.
“Contractors Landscape Planners have a concept design in the works, however the community will be providing their ideas and perspectives to shape the final development. For example, people may have an idea for public art to make the space pop, or some Pilbara flora we could incorporate.”
Feedback will be gathered through a Social Pinpoint Map hosted on the Town’s website, which will enable community members to provide pinpointed comments online.
A Town Hall workshop will also be held on Monday 5 September 2022 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the Civic Centre’s Gratwick Hall, where attendees can provide their input in person and ask questions.
“The refurbishment delivers on several pillars listed in the Town’s Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, such as investing and developing community infrastructure and supporting tourism infrastructure development,” Peter Carter said.
Click here to access the Social Pinpoint Survey.
Click here to access the Survey Monkey Survey.
Click here to access the community workshop PowerPoint.
About Koombana Lookout:
The Lookout is a favourite for locals and tourists alike, one of the top spots in town to visit and get a great view of the area. The Lookout currently has a 4.3 rating on Google, based on 87 reviews.
The land’s Traditional Owners, the Kariyarra people, have a deep connection to the sea and landscape, a perspective central to the site’s final design and layout.
The Lookout is named after the SS Koombana, a passenger, cargo and mail carrying steamship. The SS Koombana left Port Hedland headed for Broome on the morning of Wednesday 20 March 1912, with approximately 150 people onboard who sadly perished at sea.