Please Read the Ticket Terms and Conditions:

Ticketing Terms and Conditions

Patrons agree to the following terms and conditions of ticket purchase and entry to the North West Festival and North West Sundowner.

Conditions of Purchase

  1. Once a ticket has been purchased, no refunds will be given except for as set out in the Live Performance of Australia Code or where otherwise required by law.
  2. If you are unable to attend, your ticket may be re-issued (change the name on your ticket) for a nominated fee per ticket.
  3. Tickets are only valid when purchased from Moshtix or an authorised agent of Moshtix. Moshtix has the right to immediately cancel any ticket promoted, advertised or sold in breach of this condition without refund, replacement or compensation to you.
  4. Tickets must not be offered for unauthorised re-sale on third party websites such as Ebay or Gumtree. Tickets may not be resold or offered for resale at a premium (including online auction sites) or used for advertising, promotion or other commercial purposes. If a ticket is used in breach of these conditions, it may be cancelled without refund and the bearer of the ticket may be refused admission.
  5. The right is reserved to vary, add, withdraw or substitute artists. No refunds available in the event of a line-up change.
  6. We play rain or shine. Cancellations due to weather will occur only in the event of dangerous conditions, as determined by the event manager.

Conditions of Attendance

  1. The event manager reserves the right to refuse entry.
  2. All patrons are required to present a ticket at the point of entry (printed or electronic). Patrons 18 years and older must present a matching legal form of identification. The only acceptable forms of identification are a current driver’s licence, current passport or proof of age card.   
  3. Patrons under 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian when entering the event and at all times whilst at the event. Security may request verification of parent or guardian status at any time.
  4. All bags will be inspected by security staff.
  5. Any person wearing or otherwise displaying any offensive signage or logos may be refused entry.
  6. Wristbands are not transferable and must be worn at all times. Failure to wear a wristband may result in eviction. Wristbands will not be replaced if lost.
  7. Small sized digital devices (phone, Go Pro, camera) are permitted but professional photography, video equipment and tape recorders are not allowed without the event manger’s permission (i.e. any detachable lens, camera stands/selfie sticks or any lens over 20cm).
  8. No pass outs are available for the Festival. Once you enter the festival, you will not be able to leave and re-enter.
  9. Pass outs are permitted for the Sundowner, however patrons will be required to re-enter subject to the same security requirements as the initial entry.
  10. Sealed plastic water, soft drink and juice bottles and cans are permitted.
  11. Alcohol, animals (excluding guide dogs), glass, eskys, illegal substances, chairs, umbrellas or anything that could be used as a weapon are not permitted. The exception is chairs, which will be permitted at the Sundowner.
  12. Excessive drinkers, illegal drug users or patrons displaying antisocial behaviour will be evicted and may be dealt with by Police.
  13. Activities such as moshing, crowd surfing, climbing and stage diving are dangerous and may lead to eviction from the festival.
  14. No warranty is given nor representation made regarding the view of the stages.


  1. Persons attending the festival do so at their own risk.
  2. The event manager shall not be held liable for any claim, loss, injury or damage sustained in relation to attendance, however so caused, including theft or loss of personal belongings.