Wednesday 20 July 2022
Roof installation works progress

Thursday 3 March 2022
Works resume on South Hedland Skate Park shade structure
From Tuesday 8 March, works will resume on the construction of the South Hedland skate park shade structure. The works will be undertaken by contractors MG Group.
The project is expected to be completed in Spring 2022.
The temporarily reopened main bowl area will now close as construction recommences.
The Town’s Youth Services Team will deliver new programming initiatives to account for the closure.
Entry onto the skate park during construction is forbidden.
Please be mindful of workers, signage and machinery in the area.
Friday 1 October 2021
Partial reopening of South Hedland Skate Park
The ‘main bowl’ section of the South Hedland Skate Park will reopen to the community from Monday 4 October, reactivating a site popular with local youth.
The section will be open from Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm and Sunday 10am to 6pm, until the site recloses to continue construction of the shade structure.
Use of the reopened section will be out-of-bounds overnight and there will be no water fountains accessible at the site.
Sadly, the construction of the shade structure has been delayed due to a national steel shortage, an issue impacting the delivery schedule of capital works projects across the state.
The estimated arrival date of the steel for the shade structure is late November 2021, however further delays cannot be ruled out.
The Park has been closed since May 2021 as part of the Town’s upgrade of the facility, with all demolition and substructure works recently completed. These works included the installation of 19 footings reaching seven metres into the ground, which will eventually support 2,700 square metre shade structure seven metres into the air.
Town of Port Hedland CEO Carl Askew said the partial reopening of the Park was the right call, balancing a delayed works schedule with the needs of the community.
“I acknowledge the shade structure’s delay is disappointing for the community and I’d like to thank everyone for their patience. Reopening the Park’s main bowl section gives locals space to skate and cycle in the interim.
“The section will be open from Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm and Sunday 10am to 6pm, but due to the removal of the lighting is not safe to use at night.
“Unprecedented national infrastructure investment has resulted in significant delays in the fabrication of structural steel which is out of the Town’s control; however, we will continue to work with contractors to adapt works schedules and find solutions to deliver the critical infrastructure investments our community deserves as soon as we can.
“Once constructed, the shade structure will provide 80% shade coverage, provide a novel focal point in the town centre, feature LED lighting for night-time activity and there’ll be an opportunity to install public art.”
Community members must not enter cordoned off areas.
The Town is considering options for pop up skate park activities in South Hedland once the park recloses.