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Why is the project being rolled out?

The Richardson Street Jetty Preplacement Project is part of the Town's capital works program, delivering on our commitment to upgrade boating infrastructure across the LGA.

The previous structure was replaced with a safer, fit-for-purpose structure which will better serve the needs of local seafarers and commerce into the future.

The works involved the unbolting and removal of the existing structure and the craning in of the new jetty, which was secured into the same location. 

Has there been community consultation for the project?

Annual Perception Surveys conducted in the community in recent years uncovered strong support to upgrade Hedland's boating infrastructure.

There are only two publicly accessible boat ramps in the LGA: this one and Finucane Island, therefore the community expects these assets be maintained to a high standard. 

Relevant stakeholders and the community will be notified of project updates and milestones.


Key Benefits

  • Fit-for-purpose design replacing existing structure in same location
  • Improving safety for seafarers
  • Delivering better usability for recreational and commercial users
  • Contributing to the overall quality of the port's infrastructure assets
  • Contributing to Port Hedland's reputation for a high standard of seafarer amenity
  • Supporting the operational needs of industry
  • Supporting local business and job creation during construction phase

Construction Timeline

  • Works are now complete

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Project Partners

Local marine specialists, TAMS, have been awarded the Richardson St Jetty Replacement project.