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Phase 2 COVID-19 restrictions

Published: Friday 15 May 2020

Due to COVID-19 restrictions easing, a number of Town of Port Hedland facilities and services will be reactivating from Monday 18 May 2020.

Please be aware that even though some restrictions are easing, it is imperative to continue to practice strong hygiene practices and maintain social distancing at all times. 

South Hedland Library
  • Monday to Wednesday: 9am to 5pm
  • Thursday: 10am to 6pm
  • Friday: 9am to 5pm
  • Saturday: 10am to 1pm
  • Maximum of 20 patrons at any one time
New Port Hedland Library at the Boulevard
  • Opening to the public Wednesday 20 May 10am
  • Normal operating hours:
  • Monday to Wednesday: 10am to 5pm
  • Thursday: 10am to 6pm
  • Friday: 10am to 5pm
  • Maximum of 13 patrons at any one time
McGregor Street RV Overflow area
  • Stays will be extended from the current maximum of 24 hours to a maximum of 72 hours

Port Hedland Leisure

(Wanangkura Stadium, South Hedland Aquatic Centre)


A strict five step process must be adhered to prior to the resumption of club activity. No club will be permitted to return to activity at a Town facility until the following steps have been completed. 

Step 1: complete and submit this online form

Step 2: complete and return the COVID-19 Safety Management Plan:

The State Government have mandated that a COVID-19 Safety Management Plan is required of all clubs returning to activity. 

Here is a form that must be completed and returned to prior to approval being given for the resumption of activity.  Safety Guidelines have also been attached with a checklist that should make preparing your plan easy.  Your sport governing body may also be able to provide code specific advice useful for preparing your plan.

You should consider questions such as:

  • How do we ensure the limit of 20 participants is not exceeded?
  • How do we prevent spectators attending training?
  • How will we prevent contact between participants?
  • How do we ensure a distance of 1.5 meters is observed at all times?
  • How do we minimise/eliminate the sharing of equipment?
  • How can equipment be regularly sanitised?
  • How do we ensure our club/change rooms are not accessed by participants?

Step 3: Arrange a facility meeting with a Town Recreation Officer

Clubs must meet with a Town representative at their facility within two weeks of the resumption of club activity.  The online Booking Reactivation Form gives you the opportunity to suggest a preferred time for a meeting.  The Bookings Officer will be in touch to arrange this meeting.

Step 4: Wait to receive formal approval from Town Recreation Officers

Do not arrange or advertise training sessions with club members until formal approval has been given by the Town of Port Hedland.  Permission to resume will not be granted unless Steps 1, 2 and 3 have already been completed.  Please allow for two business days to receive a response from the Town.

Step 5:  Display the Sport and Recreation COVID-19 Safety Plan Certificate at your facility

Included with the attached Safety Management Plan is a certificate that can be printed and displayed at your training facility.  Please note that there will be random facility inspections and it is a State Government requirement to have these certificates displayed.

Please refer to the State Government’s FAQs page for more helpful information for Sport and Recreation Clubs:

For further sports related questions, please email 

Outdoor exercise

Outdoor exercise is permitted to a maximum of 20 participants, with minimal shared equipment and a four square metre rule applicable.


All playgrounds remain off limits, including all equipment of any kind. Playgrounds will not reopen until phase 3. 

Please be advised Gratwick Aquatic Centre, Marquee Splash 'n' Play Park and the JD Hardie Youth Zone remain closed.