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Applications for rates concession now open

Community and not-for-profit groups who pay rates are invited to apply for a rates concession for the 2024/25 financial year.

Rates concessions are provided on an annual basis: therefore, applicants who received a concession last year need to re-apply for the upcoming financial year.

Applications need to satisfy the Town’s Policies

Click here to access the Town’s Rates Concession and Rates Exemption Policy.

Click here to access the Rates Concession and Exemption legislation.

Click here to access the application for Rates Concession form.

Click here to access the application for Rate Exemption form.

For information about eligibility, please contact the Town’s rates department via email on 

Council provides concessions to community groups or organisations operating as a body corporate or an incorporated association.

Sole traders or for-profit organisations which do not benefit members can not apply.

Applications for residential properties, not used in the primary service delivery of the community group or association’s activities or services, are not eligible under the Council’s Rates and Concession Policy.

Please send your application to, or PO Box 41, Port Hedland WA 6721.

Applications close Sunday 31 March 2024