Have Your Say on the Draft Community Safety Plan 2019-2022 (Closed)

The Town of Port Hedland's Community Safety Plan 2019-2022 is now open for public comment, a comprehensive plan which puts community at the centre of current and future safety initiatives. 

Informed and driven by the work of the Hedland Community Safety Advisory Forum (HCSAF), a number of actions have been developed for stakeholders.

Working towards improved personal safety, safer streets and open spaces, resilient communities and powerful partnerships are the plan's overarching goals.

The plan is grounded in more holistic practice, recognising the need to move beyond punitive measures and understand that crime often stems from social circumstance. 

Once this plan is adopted, it will become Hedland's most comprehensive strategy in building a safer and more livable community for all families. 

How do I comment on the plan? 

Access the draft plan via the documents tab on the right of this page.  

Please submit your comments addressed to Michael Cuvalo via mcuvalo@porthedland.wa.gov.au 

You can comment on the plan until Monday 19 August 2019.