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Have your say on public open spaces

Published on Wednesday, 3 April 2024 at 2:11:30 PM

The community has an opportunity to guide future management of public open spaces in Hedland.

The Town of Port Hedland is reviewing its Public Open Space and Street Tree Strategy and is calling on the public to have its say on future protection, management and improvement of public open spaces.

Mayor Peter Carter said the Town was committed to providing open spaces that are attractive and meet the needs of the community.

“Public open spaces like parks and gardens, ovals, playgrounds and the foreshore help improve liveability in Hedland and promote healthy lifestyles,” Mayor Carter said.

“Spaces for sport and recreation, lifestyle and nature help foster a sense of community and social cohesion.

“We need to ensure we are providing spaces that suit our community’s needs, which is why we want to hear from as many people as possible as we review the current strategy.”

A survey has been released to gauge how the community currently uses public open spaces and seeks to identify future needs.

Public consultation sessions will also be held at the South Hedland shopping centre 2-5pm on Tuesday 9 April, where people will be able to give feedback on public open spaces while also having the chance to make a 'wildflower seed bomb' to help brighten your garden.

“The Town is undertaking extensive engagement with community and Indigenous groups and is keen to hear everyone’s thoughts on our open spaces and how we can build an ever better environment for all of us to enjoy,” Mayor Carter said.

The survey can be accessed here and is open until 19 April.

Media Enquiries
Town of Port Hedland, Public Relations Team
Phone: (08) 9158 9300

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